bolsonaro Secrets

bolsonaro Secrets

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While working in Congress, Bolsonaro hired Michelle as a secretary and over the next two years she received unusual promotions and her salary more than tripled.

“On the pretext of baseless fraud claims, the Defendant pushed officials in certain states to ignore the popular vote; disenfranchise millions of voters; dismiss legitimate electors; and ultimately, cause the ascertainment of and voting by illegitimate electors in favor of the Defendant,” the indictment said.

On September 6, while campaigning in Juiz do Fora, Bolsonaro was stabbed by a would-be assassin. His wounds required lifesaving surgery, after which he was forced to campaign from a hospital bed and then at home.

Testemunhas oculares da tentativa do assassinato disseram que viram um homem usando 1 fuzil, qual se posicionou em 1 telhado a menos por 200 metros do ex-presidente.

The vast majority of those who have faced trial have been found guilty of at least one crime or another; only two people — a former government contractor from New Mexico and a low-level member of the Oath Keepers militia — have been acquitted of all the charges they faced.

Trump’s face appeared set and serious, and he occasionally wrote on a paper in front of him throughout the hearing. As it drew to a close, Trump thanked the judge before leaving the courtroom through the same door that he entered.

[137] In the same month, a scandal dubbed "vaccine-gate" emerged. After months of vlogdolisboa denying offers of vaccines and bartering the costs, Bolsonaro's government made a deal to buy the unapproved Covaxin vaccine from the Indian company Bharat Biotech at a very high price.[138] It was found that the government allegedly paid ten times the amount agreed by Bharat Biotech for the vaccine[139] and that the irregularities were not found in the prices of the vaccines, but in a payment of $45 million to a company in Singapore.[140] In response, the Brazilian Supreme Court authorized a criminal investigation of Bolsonaro.[141]

Somente no final Destes anos 90 foi que se viu 1 ressurgimento na tua situaçãeste financeira e na sua fama. Em 2001 ele completou a Trump World Tower e começou a construir o Trump Palace, um edifício moderno ao longo do rio Hudson.

Este post afirma, com apresentar provas, qual este seu comportamento era "altamente suspeito" e qual a tua linguagem corporal e comportamento "parecem indicar qual ela sabia que algo estava a acontecer".

As a Congressman, Bolsonaro put forward three bills trying to remove "virtually all" legal restrictions to surgical sterilization via the public health system, including the reduction of "the minimum age of sterilization to 21 years".[340] Non-e of the bills were voted through. Elections

They still seized on every opportunity to criticize her – whether it was over Christmas decorations or perceived fractures in her marriage. And the most vile among her critics even spread false smears about her son, Barron.

America’s toxic political climate faces calls to ‘tone it down’ after assassination attempt on Trump “Tone it down!” That was the plea from the Republican congressman as he came to grips with the assassination attempt on Donald Trump at a political rally in the area where he grew up.

1 Destes grandes trunfos da gestão Bolsonaro na economia foi ter conseguido aprovar a Reforma da Previdência ‒ discussão que amadurecia na sociedade desde este governo do seu antecessor, Michel Temer.

The line of attack by Mr. Trump, the Republican front-runner for president, was a familiar one. It dates back to at least 2017, when he began alluding to a “deep state” plot by the Justice Department.

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